
The Hungarian Federation of the Blind and Partially Sighted (MVGYOSZ) was founded more than 100 years ago, in 1918 by blind officers wishing to dispose about their fate on their own. The vision of MVGYOSZ is a world in which the Visual Impairment must not be an obstacle to an independent life, and Blind or Partially Sighted people enjoy the same rights and quality of life as any other fully sighted persons.
Our Federation’s activities contribute to the involvement, rehabilitation and equal opportunities of blind and partially sighted people.
The Hungarian Federation of the Blind and Partially Sighted (MVGYOSZ) acting as an umbrella organization over 22 member associations representing more than 80,000 visually impaired persons living in Hungary is firmly committed to the advocacy of VI people even at international level, paying special attention to facilitating the situation and possibilities of blind and partially sighted people living as minorities over the borders of Hungary.
Our Services
In addition to advocacy MVGYOSZ offers a wide range of innovative and unique services:
- By our skilled and experienced colleagues’ enthusiastic work in our Guide Dog Training Centre up to 20 blind people get a valuable helpmate against a nominal charge every year. Our guide dogs help their blind owners’ independence and safe travel for many years.
- In our Aiding Tool Shop we offer various aiding tools and equipment helping their everyday lives (e.g. talking blood pressure monitor, blood glucose meter, Braille typewriter etc.). The range of available products is being continuously expanded, and the prices are endowed within the bounds of our possibilities.
- In our unique Braille Library – run by our Federation – blind pupils and students knowing Braille can choose from the masterpieces of world literature. Also some exclusive specialties are available in our Braille library like a German-English, English-German dictionary consisting of 44 volumes, the total weight of which exceeds 50 kg.
- Quarter of a century ago, Braille transcriptions used to be made by hand. Today the range of our library is being expanded by a modern, computer-controlled industrial Braille printer. This powerful machinery also enables us to publish our monthly journal, the more than 80 years old “World of the Blind. We publish also some periodicals, e.g. the weekly Radio and Television Program Journal. To our members’ wishes we can also produce Braille transcriptions of traditional books.
- Those pupils learning in integrated schools can get their textbooks to their needs in Braille transcripts, large-format printing, or as audio material.
- Our Audio Library was founded more than four decades ago. There are currently more than 4,000 titles to choose from for our members who wish to spend their free time this way.. In addition to the audio books produced by us we also buy from public market sources. Our audio books can be borrowed in our head office personally or with door-to-door delivery from all over the country by mail.
- To facilitate access to our Audio Library Collection an online Audio Library was set up in 2019, working both under iOs, and Android platforms. The number of our audio books available online has already exceeded 1,500 titles by August 2019, and the range of our online audio book collection is continuously growing.
- MVGYOSZ’ latest innovative project called “TÁVSZEM” (Remote Eye) aims at developing a special service offering professional, IT-based Remote Assistance accessible to Visually Impaired people equally from all over Hungary. The new services implemented from EU funds facilitate the autonomous life of Visually Impaired people by offering a special SmartPhone Application with no need of a personal guide on hand, thus decreasing their vulnerability.
- In frame of TÁVSZEM 800 smartphones have been distributed among blind and partially sighted members of MVGYOSZ member associations all over the country. The applicants are prepared for the use of those devices by skilled local mentors trained in frame of the project before. TÁVSZEM is a real interdisciplinary development including Development of ICT Competencies, Rehabilitation, Community Building and Awareness Raising at the same time
- A Legal Aid Service is available for our members free of charge. Our blind lawyer helps visually impaired people to find a resolution of any discrimination.
- Those companies dealing with carrying out and reconstructing public buildings and spaces or websites often turn to our colleagues in charge with questions of Accessibility to reach an accessible built and info communication environment even for blind and partially sighted people.
- We organize screening and information programs for sighted people with prevention purposes. Recently we had a successful campaign where the population of eight cities has been presented the risks of macular degeneration. We hold free glaucoma screening several times a year in our central building.
- Our various training courses offered to our Blind and Partially Sighted members include: Teaching ICT skills necessary for the everyday use of smart devices (“SmartClub”); English Language Course; Blind Signature Course, Yoga Course, etc.
We represent the interests of visually impaired – ourselves – in the legislation, towards state bodies, in international blind organizations, at scientific and informative meetings, conferences and in the media. We bring sighted people closer to the blind society by Corporate Social Responsibility conferences, at company events by interactive games presenting Braille reading and writing.
We pay our efforts to the aim that visually impaired people get right and adequate information of everything about their possibilities and situation due to their disabilities through our website, by our journal “World of the Blind”, and by our weekly electronic newsletters.
Personalized newsletters are sent throughout a wide range of the society presenting blind individuals’ fate, life situations and difficulties due to their special disability.
To conduct our various activities continuously it is vital to have the help of generous individuals, responsible society organizations and companies.
Any support is welcome helping to fund our services offered for Blind and Partially Sighted people.